Friday, July 24, 2009

visit me, will u?

Havent been feeling too well these few days but i'm getting better alrdy. I've starting working for awhile now, currently stationed at "deluxe by bakerzinn" at wisma. Some hectic day last sat. i didnt even have time to take a breather nor did i have time peep at my hp. And tmr, my shift's from 9.30am to 10.30pm, watch how i die.
For the past couple of days, i've been helping out at the Bartender Competition held at clark quay and goodwood park hotel respectively. Overall, it was an eye opener and a great experience for me and the other shatec girls.
(facebook for pics)
We got to watch bartenders from the asia pacific region flair their bartending skills, especially this dude from Taiwan. During the semi-finals, he was dressed in a Bruce Lee costume, and at the finals, he was dressed in Michael Jackson, probably bcos his name was Jackson. lol his performance was extremely entertaining and flawless..will post his video here once i received it.
Right, enough said, update soon :)
I'm off to meet shoe and the guys.

Friday, July 10, 2009


Haven't been updating this space for a couple of months due to the 3 months training at "charcoal restaurant" that was constantly drawing my energy, leaving me tired and lifeless.
Ok, but i have to admit that there are people and things that i miss, especially sauyan & diani, big time :(
I shall not waste time uploading pictures as they are accessible thru facebook, i bet many has an a/c.
It's back to school for me, and i must say this term is going to be more stressful, cannot afford to miss anything, projects & more projects, assignments & more assignments. No time for play :( which i have no money for anyway.
Life's not like before anymore, and gradually, i realise that i'm drifting further and further away from the old me..